FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? Hopefully we’ve got you covered here, but if not, feel free to hit the button and toss a question our way. We’ll get answered ASAP.

Yes. Please make sure that both location and notifications are on. ServiceHerd uses your location to accurately identify available and qualified service providers in your area without this info ServiceHerd cannot give exceptional and accurate up to date info. Notification are required to be toggled on. ServiceHerd uses text messages for the initial introduction and alerts but switches to sending push notification after initial contact is made. If notifications are not toggled on alerts will be lost in cyber space and will not give you pertinent and valuable information to move forward with you provider / customer communication.

Yes. ServiceHerd has been developed to work on both your desktop computer and as an apple and android app available in the designated app stores. Currently video chat and virtual estimates are accessible only on the mobile app.

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Hi. My name is Randy Larson. This journey started in my backyard gazing up at the clouds wondering what I would call the most trusted, transparent and safest customer / provider platform on the planet. Right at the moment a flock of birds cruised by. AH… a flock! Nope. That’s not going to cut it. Hmmm. A Herd? Cows are friendly and nonconfrontational. Does anybody dislike a cow? They also always look for each other and their herd. They stay in their group and everyone feels protected. Hmm. Combine that with Service Providers equals ServiceHerd. Trust The Herd was born!

Unfortunately, we currently do not have a surplus of qualified providers throughout the USA. We have launched our pilot 55+ in designated FL, VA and NJ 55+ single family communities. Please stay patient if you are not within reach of one of our currently serviced area. We will be there soon.

Yes. If the qualified ServiceHerd provider has set up their payment portal through Stripe, the most trusted payment processer in the internet. When the service is completed, and reviews are done the customer will be directed to payment options. There will always be the option of cash, check or provider personal method. If the provider has completed the Stripe payment portal there will also be a HerdPay option for direct, seamless payment from the customer to provider